50th Anniverary
of the Apollo 11
Moon Mission

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July 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. To celebrate this phenomenal piece of history we have created a fun and educational space experience for our shopping centre and retail clients to have on their site.

This experiential event package features a 13ft high realistic replica of the Apollo 11 Lunar Spacecraft, educational boards about the mission and astronauts. Alongside all this, we include an astronaut character walking around for shoppers and children to have photos with. This experiential package also includes a ‘rocket building workshop’ staffed by x2 NASA dressed crew showing visitors how to make the rockets (materials included).

Themed shopping centre events supported by Pete_Pinnington_Productions
Themed shopping centre events supported by Pete_Pinnington_Productions

We’re proud and pleased this experiential event has encouraged increased footfall and dwell time for our shopping centres, retail sites and their tenants. Although the Apollo 11 mission happened in July, 2019 is the 50th Anniversary, so we’re still providing this fantastic experiential event for clients throughout the 50th Anniversary year.

We love creating and delivering experiential events for shopping centres and retails sites. If having one supplier working with you to help achieve increased footfall and dwell time for your site and retailers sounds appealing, then let’s at least meet to explore further.