
Organising a Roadshow and need equipment, entertainment or full event support? We have everything you need to make your event amazing

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Bring the event to your staff

Corporate events are a great way to bring your staff together, but what if you have large teams of staff dotted around the UK? It can be costly to bring everyone together under one roof, the venue may need to be huge and impractical for the purpose. So why not take the event to your staff with a Roadshow?

If you want to organise many events to cater for staff in different locations Pete Pinnington Productions are here to help you. Our event support can be made mobile. We can set up in one location, let your event play out, pack everything up, drive to another location and repeat this until you’ve generally satisfied your country-wide team. Finding locations can be daunting however, so we can help with this too.

If you need to stream your roadshow, we also have our Virtual & Hybrid event services. Also if you need us to film material for your conference or the conference itself we can do that too. Just check out our Video Production services.

A Roadshow example

Contact us

If you are organising a Roadshow and need to hire one, or a few of our services, or you need full event support please use the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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